Sunday, January 21, 2018

2017 Thanksgiving

This was our year to have the family with us for Thanksgiving.  Since Henley is a teacher this year she had the whole week off so she flew in on the Saturday after her classes ended.  Delaney and Zach flew in on Wednesday, Blaine drove in on Wednesday and Mom and Dad drove in as well on Wednesday so we had a full house!

We spent Thursday doing the usual- watching TV, eating, cooking, eating and hanging out.

On Friday morning we went to Top Golf and had a ball. 

We came home, got into some warm clothes and headed up the mountain to Breckenridge.  Mom and Dad stayed home because Mom wasn't feeling up to it and was concerned that the altitude might aggravate her heart rate.  We first went to Breck Distillery where the kids took the tour. We ended up walking around downtown Breckenridge and enjoyed the Christmas lights that they had just turned on for the holidays.  We ate dinner and then headed down the mountain.

Henley and Blaine left on Saturday morning and Delaney and Zack left Saturday evening.  The last time they came here for Thanksgiving there was a big ice/snow storm and they almost didn't make it home on Sunday with delayed flights and such so they all chose to leave on Saturday just in case the weather was bad again. Fortunately the weather was good and everyone arrived at home and didn't have any weather delays this year.

It was a great visit and we are always happy to have all of our family here together!

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