Friday, January 26, 2018

2017 Christmas

This year the girls were with their other families for Christmas and Mom and Dad were with Robert and his family so Mark and I went to Texas to see his mom and dad.  Most of you know that Mark's mom has had some health issues these last few months and it was a much needed visit to be with them. 

We spent 5 days with Mark's parents and 3 days in Odessa and enjoyed our time visiting with his sisters, brother in law and Henley and Blaine and Joyce and Paul.  Unfortunately we didn't get to see Delaney and Zack because they had to be back in Austin by the time that we arrived in Odessa.

All in all it was a great Christmas and we were happy to see many family and friends that we could.

Beautiful Texas sunsets every evening

Loving on Henley's pups

Of course Mark had to get his Whataburger fix!

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