Sunday, October 22, 2017

2017 Haunted Hayride

Me:  Guess what I found for us to do this weekend?
Mark: It isn't that Frozen Dead guy thing is it?
Me: Mmmmm not exactly.
Mark: *the look*

So what was the "not exactly" thing that we did?  I got us tickets on a Haunted Hayride in Golden, Colorado.  See...I didn't lie.  The people were all dead and we were just looking for their spirits.  That's right.  We were on a ghost hunting expedition; complete with EMF ghost meters and diving rods!

Full disclosure: Mark and I don't even believe in all that hooey.  So to get us started....

 We were on a hay wagon that took us to old mining camps, places where they hung cattle rustlers, murderers and thieves, an old mortuary and an abandoned mine shaft where at least 10 miners were lost when the shaft they were working in collapsed.

The places that they took us to gave us NO EMF activity.

But Mark's diving rods were pretty active around the miners camp.

But when we got over by where the mine shaft was my EMF reader went a little nuts.

After we were through looking for the ghosts we went walked to the Capital Bar and Grille where we were met by a medium.  He apparently is a nationally re known celebrity that has worked for the FBI and other law enforcement people and has helped with several unsolved cases.  He spent about an hour doing readings for the people in tour group who were interested in talking with their family/friends from the "beyond". Mark and I just watched.  Personally, I think he just can read people and he gets them to tell him stuff that he can work off of.  But those that participated seemed happy with the results so more power to them.

All-in-all it was a fun evening doing silly stuff that we normally wouldn't have done so I say this one was a win!