Sunday, June 22, 2014

Should We Stay or Should We Go...

Okay before you start wondering if we have called off the move- the answer is NO!  The move is still on. 

I came back to Denver this past Friday and as usual I'm on the computer checking out things for us to do on the weekends.  And lo and behold I ran across a link to "The Glenn Miller Swingfest in Ft. Morgan, Colorado featuring the World Famous Glenn Miller Orchestra".  You may not know that this but Mark absolutely loves music from the 40's.  His Grandmother Lottie always had music playing on her record player when he would visit her and so this kind of music is near and dear to his heart.  

The website said that the concert would be held at Bath Farms and we didn't know if this was an indoor or outdoor event, so this time we decided that we were going to be prepared for any kind of weather.

We packed up blankets, sweatshirts, down jackets and stowed them in our handy-dandy backpack and  we took off for the 90 minute drive to Ft. Morgan to go to the festival. 

We left Denver at 2-ish with plans to go to the fort and to look around the town before we got a bite to eat and head out to the concert.  Once we got there we went to the town square where we were informed that there was no fort left but we were welcome to go to the museum to see what it used to look like. There is actually a nice little museum there that showed the history and heritage of Ft. Morgan and of the namesake of the Glenn Miller Swingfest. (Glenn Miller graduated from high school in Ft. Morgan) After touring the museum we decided to drive out the venue to make sure we knew where we were going since the flyers posted all over town warned everyone to NOT USE YOUR GPS to reach the location.   

The instructions said (I kid you not) "go down past the John Deere dealership on 34, turn right at the sign that says Road 21 and go to road Q.  Then turn left on Q and go to the Bath's farm".  Did I mention that this is farm country?  We actually found the farm with these instructions and much to our surprise there was an actual building where the concert/dance was going to be held so all of our preparations were for naught.  Oh well at least we tried…

Bath's farm

Okay so this is where the "should we stay or should we go" comes into play.  See, our Texas baseball team made it to the semi-finals in the College World Series and they were scheduled to play on Saturday afternoon about 2 pm which meant that we could watch the game in Denver and then head over to Ft. Morgan after it was over.  But they had a weather delay on Friday night and which postponed the game until 6pm on Saturday so we had to decide whether to miss the concert or miss the game.  What to do, what to do?  

My problem solving hubby suggested that we go to Ft. Morgan early, go to a restaurant for dinner and watch 2 hours of the game and then head out to the concert.  Sounds reasonable, right?  Ya we thought so too but as the game went along, we soon realized that the game was going to be a nail-biter and that it was going to probably going to come down to the last pitch in the last inning.  And as it turned out we were right.  

So there we sat at Cables Pub and Grill in downtown Ft. Morgan watching the game and trying to decide whether to finish watching the game and be late to the concert or go to the concert and miss the end of the game.  

Cables Pub and Grill

I hope those of you reading this know what the outcome of the decision was. Uh-huh, we decided to stay and watch the game.  

The game went into extra innings and it didn't get over until almost 10:30 pm.  

Yup, we drove all the way to Ft. Morgan to sit in a pub to watch the Horn's play their final game of the series.  

And we didn't go to the concert…

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