Sunday, June 8, 2014

So About Last Night

Okay to be completely honest here, I have a confession to make.  Mark and I are 100% Texan to the bone. And this may lead to our early demise…

So last night we went to the outdoor concert in Centennial.  There were two local bands and an Eagles Tribute Band that was headlining the show and Mark and I figured it would be a nice place to spend a Saturday evening. The weather was a balmy 79 degrees when we got there about 6:30pm.  We had our collapsible chairs out, our food purchased from the food trucks, our beverages of choice in hand.  

And the concert started.  

And then the wind started.  

And then the temperature dropped exactly 27 degrees in about 30 minutes. 

And when we left the house we were patting ourselves on our backs that we had remembered to take light jackets with us "just in case" because "it gets cool in Denver in the summer".  We were so smug as we set up our lawn chairs and had our jackets handy.  

And did we notice that nearly everyone else who was walking into the amphitheater was carrying blankets and heavy jackets?  Did we take notice that there were even a few souls who had brought portable wind barriers?  Did we see the people directly in front of us carry in a duffle bag the size of a VW beetle full of cold weather gear?


So we sat in the 52 degree wind for the remaining part of the concert trying not to shiver so badly so as not to bother the Natives; that were probably giggling behind our backs, wrapped in their Gore Tex blankets and wearing their North Face coats and drinking their hot chocolate that they had brought from home in their industrial sized thermos jugs. 

Smug ass Natives. 

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