Friday, September 2, 2016

This and That

Unfortunately we really haven't had the opportunity to do much this month.  I spent 10 days at the beginning of August in Odessa for Faculty Development and Mark was in North Dakota for the weeks that bookended my trip. So these pics are just from the last week or so.

We found this great little restaurant in Castle Rock last weekend.  We found it by accident actually.  I was looking online for outdoor places to ear on Yelp and this one came up.  After looking at the menu we decided that we HAD to go.  Maddie's Biergarten serves these things called Kartoffel Stacks.  They are basically thick potato pancakes that they top with different things. They were DELISH!
Mark had the Bangers (bratwurst, peppers, onions, peas, mushrooms and brown gravy)

I had a sampler that had Chili, Reuben and Chicken and Gravy
This beer was 11% ABV!! But super yummy

After dinner we came back to the house and spent the evening enjoying the cool evening with drinks on the deck, Mark serenading me on his guitar, watching the spectacular sunset and warming up by the fire.  I still cant believe that we can use our outdoor fire pit in August!  

I went downtown to have lunch with Mark this week too.  I had heard about a sculpture that they had installed and it is meant to be interactive, so of course I had to go check it out while we were there.  (Insert Mark's eyeroll haha).  This is what we found.  It is a set of huge wings that you can stand in front of.  Here's some more information about them if you're interested in these Wings. I just wanted my picture taken with them :)

And finally my friend Christine invited me to go on a hike in the foothills on Friday so we went on this beautiful hike at Elk Meadows Park.  The weather was absolutely perfect and we are trying to squeeze as much outdoor activity as we can before the cold rainy weather hits. 

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