Thursday, July 21, 2016

Santa Fe Trip

Okay I guess this should technically be labeled Zoe's Graduation because that was the main reason that I went to Santa Fe in the first place. So any of you who know anything about Santa Fe should not find anything odd about the following details of Zoe's graduation:

1.  It was held on a Wednesday morning.  At 9:00 am.
     Not a Friday or a Saturday night. 
     Not when the sun is down so people won't die of heat stroke sitting in the stadium bleachers.

2.  The school didn't require that the students look similar on the field.  Specifically they didn't say anything about their footwear.  Some kids wore normal shoes: flats, tennis shoes, high heels, and boots.  Some wore flip flops and we even overheard one family talking about the fact that they didn't think their son even wore shoes.

3.  They let the student's decorate their hats.

4.  They didn't require them to wear their hats during the ceremony.

5.  They didn't make them zip up their robes. Or keep them on after they walked the stage.

6.  They allowed beach balls and other inflatables (including a blow-up mattress) on the field so that the students could play with them during the ceremony. 

But Zoe graduated and we were all very happy to celebrate her day with her and in the end, isn't that what counts?


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