Saturday, April 29, 2017

She said Yes!

It doesn't seem possible but our little girl is engaged.  Blaine asked Henley to marry her last weekend and we couldn't be happier for them.  Blaine and Henley met up at their friend's ranch in Cisco for what Henley thought was going to be a short visit since Blane had told her that he was just going to be able to be there for a few hours. However, Blaine had something bigger planned. He set up the proposal by telling Henley that one of his dogs was missing and they needed to go look for him.  As it turned out, the pup wasn't missing at was just a ruse to get her to the top of the hill that overlooked the property.  Then he got down on one knee and asked her to marry him.  Of course she said yes and the pictures tell the rest of the story!

We are really excited to have our family grow again.  We had kind of known that Blaine was going to ask us to marry Henley.  He had skirted around the issue off and on the last few times that we have all been together but he didn't come right out and ask us until the week before he asked her to marry him.  Of course, us living in Colorado didn't make it easy for him to ask us in person so he did it the best way he could- by phone! Blaine and Henley have dated for 3 years now, have known one another for about 6,  and we feel that they have had ample time to get to know one another.  He balances Henley out.  He is a calming influence on her and he is exactly the kind of man that we always knew she would end up with.  Over the past few years we have come to know so much about about him; his humor, his honesty, his patience, his faith, his drive to succeed, and most importantly... his unconditional love for our daughter. When he asked us to marry Henley we didn't have one minute's hesitation about his sincerity of wanting to spend the rest of his life with our girl.  Welcome to the family Blaine!

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