Saturday, April 29, 2017

Girlie Time!!

It's been waaay too long since we have been to Austin.  Last year we were able to see Delaney almost every other month with all of the wedding plans.  When we did go to Texas last year, we mostly flew into Ft. Worth and Delaney and Zach would drive up to see us.  Now that the wedding is over it is time that we started going to see all three kids more often.  We would have gone sooner this year but between Delaney, Zach and Henley's testing schedules we just couldn't get anything planned out.  But as the fates would allow, there was a golden weekend in April (Easter Weekend) that we could all meet up. 

Delaney and Zach moved into a new condo two weeks before they were married.  They have been setting up their home and it is really beautiful.  They now have an extra bedroom that Z has turned into his study and they have a real dining area now!  We are so happy for them!

While we were there we did the usual things: ate out at as many Mexican food restaurants as we could, walked around their new neighborhood, helped D and Z get some shelving put up in their laundry room, and we were able to catch the Longhorn's Spring Game.  Unfortunately the long weekend passed too quickly but we were so grateful for the time we did get to spend together!

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