Tuesday, July 22, 2014

A little bit of this and a little bit of that

Things around here are a lot quieter than it was a week ago.  Henley and her boyfriend came to Denver with me on July 12th and left the 19th.  We did quite a lot while they were here and I think they had a good time.  This was the only time that Henley could manage to get time off of work but unfortunately Mark was scheduled to be in North Dakota that same week so it was just the three of us that got to go and have fun.

Of course we had to go by and show them where we are building the house.  The house has been taped and bedded and the contractor said that they will be prepping the walls this week for the painters.  

On Sunday we all (Mark included) went to a Rockies game. We took the train to the stadium and Henley and Blaine both agreed that it was a pretty easy way to get around.  It turned out to be a great day, the weather cooperated and as expected, the Rockies lost the game.  Good thing we aren't die hard fans!

On Monday I took Mark to the airport and I had a few things that I had to do so Henley and Blaine hung out at the pool and enjoyed some down time. We also made a trip to Cabela's…

On Tuesday the three of us went to Idaho Springs and did a zip line.  Talk about an absolute BLAST!  The operator of the zip line added 3 new towers this year so we spent about 3 hours zipping through the treetops and enjoying the beautiful scenery.  

After doing the zip line we drove up to Vail and spent the afternoon just poking around the resort. 

It was pouring rain when we first arrived but after waiting for about 15 minutes, the skies cleared and we were able to walk all over town.  We had a delicious late lunch/early dinner at Alpenrose.  

I had hoped that we could take the Gondola to the top of the mountain but the winds were very high and they had stopped the rides about an hour before we got there.  Oh well, maybe next time. 

On Wednesday we went to Colorado Springs and saw the Olympic Training facility.  There were several athletes working out while we were there so this time we got to see some gymnasts, weight lifters and wrestlers work out.  

After that we went to the Pro Rodeo Hall of Fame.  I was a little disappointed in the facility because most of the interactive displays were not working and the film that gave a historic perspective of rodeoing stopped working about 5 minutes after it started.  However, the rest of the museum was very nice. 

On Thursday we headed to Golden so that Henley and Blaine could go through the Coors Brewery.  The last time we went it was on a Sunday and the production lines were not up and running.  This time we saw everything.   

After the tour we bummed around Golden and got ourselves some really yummy ice cream at Golden Sweets. 

We spent Friday hanging by the pool again (their choice) and then went to see a movie that night.  Mark was supposed to be back in Denver on Friday afternoon but there was an issue that kept him in North Dakota until Saturday.  Unfortunately, Henley and Blaine had to drive back to Odessa on Saturday so he didn't get to spend an extra day with Henley like we had planned.  

On Sunday, Mark and I went to the Dragon Boat Races at Sloan Lake.  Not only did they have the races but it was also a showcase of all of the Asian cultures in the Denver metroplex.  We ate some delicious Korean BBQ and it was a lot of fun to watch the races, the performances and exhibits and exploring another little spot in Denver.  

So that's what's been going on around here.  I will be flying back to Odessa on Monday. We have another contract on the house in Odessa so I need to go back and be around for the inspections, the appraisals, etc.  Keep your fingers crossed that everything goes well with this one.

Oh and we were driving around on Saturday afternoon and found a huge herd of Longhorn cattle about two miles east of where we live.  This obviously is LONGHORN country! Hook 'em!

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