Sunday, October 14, 2018

2018 March Pond Skimming and Cardboard Classic at Steamboat Springs

The end of ski season in the mountains isn't like I expected.  I figured they would have the runs open one day and then it would be closed the next. 

Well that's a big NOPE.  Almost all of the big resorts have some sort of end-of-season weirdness.  At Steamboat Springs they didn't disappoint!

On Saturday they had their annual Cardboard Classic.  This is Steamboat's traditional rite of spring and features homemade cardboard crafts, constructed only from cardboard, glue, string, water based paint, duct tape, masking tape, balloons and other decoration.  Everything on the craft must be able to be broken down and put in the dumpster once the race is over. 

The fun is watching these things either:
a) complete the course 
b) watch the drunk people on them fall out of the craft
c) fall apart
d) all of the above

All-in-all I think there were about 30 entrants this year.  Here are some of my favorites.  

On Sunday they finished up the ski season with the Pond Skim.  Now these people are certifiably crazy.  They dress up in crazy costumes, ski or snowboard down the hill and try to skim across a pond of freezing water to get safely (and dry) to the other side.  Watch this video to see what it's all about.  

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