Wednesday, August 16, 2017

The "B" Trip: Breckenridge, Bugs, Booze and Broncs

Beautiful River walk in Breckenridge

You know some weekends we just wake up and decide that we are going to just head to the mountains and find something to do.  This weekend was one of those.  We ended up calling this our “B” trip: Breckenridge, Bugs, Booze and Broncs.

We knew that we were going to start off going to Breckenridge.  Why? Because we really, really love this ski town and all it has to offer: great food, beautiful scenery and there’s usually something fun to do while we are there.  It had been about 4 months since we had been there so I looked up what was going on in town and the surrounding areas.  Seems that there was a weeks-long Arts Festival that was in full swing for the weekend in Breck so that’s where we started off.
An "ART" display

Another "Art" thing. (The Bike-el Tower?)
We got up to Breck about noon so the first thing we did was found a place to eat.  We had heard that a good place to grab a bite to eat is The Blue Elk.  We tried to eat there for dinner in February but we hit the restaurant about the same time that the skiers were coming off the mountain and there was a 2 hour wait to get in.  So we opted to pass that night.  Fortunately for us, there wasn’t a wait to get in and we had a pretty good meal with the highlight of the meal being Bacon Wrapped Pretzel Bites with Cheddar Beer dip.  Oh my…that may be our new favorite appetizer! (Sorry chips and queso...)

After lunch we went to see the Bugs (Ants).  This was some artsy-fartsy thing that was part of the Arts Festival.  Ants is a tour group called Polyglot Theater and showcases three people dressed in ant costumes. According to their website, “Ants is a work that brings human-sized ants into a public site for a mix of roving performance and large scale interaction with children and their adults”.  Didn’t I say it was an artsy-fartsy thing?  We watched it for about 5 minutes and then realized we had just wasted 5 minutes of our lives watching this lunacy.  Basically what the ants do is walk around carrying bread crumbs from one pile to other piles and the kids that are watching start helping them move the bread crumbs.  Go ahead.  Call me uncultured.  Call me unenlightened.  I don’t care.  Oh and for those of you who want to see what we saw- you can waste 3:45 minutes of your life watching this video!

Up next: Breckenridge Distillery.  We have been to the Breckenridge Brewery but had never been to the distillery.  We did the tour and the booze tasting and thoroughly enjoyed the booze.  The tour was less impressive. Breckenridge Distillery is winning lots and lots of international awards these days and we can see why.  While we were there a huge afternoon thunderstorm hit so we had to stay for a little while until the storm passed.  Needless to say we sampled just a little more of the libations while we waited! 


The last stop on our “B” trip was a rodeo in Fraser.  (If you’re keeping up with the theme, this is the Broncs part) We came here last summer and really enjoyed it so we looked online to see if the rodeo was still going on and fortunately for us, it was the final performance of the season. After a quick BBQ sandwich from the snack bar we watched the rodeo.  Unfortunately, at the very beginning of the rodeo, one of the horses that the pickup riders were on dropped dead of a heart attack right in middle of the arena in front of everyone. I’ve never seen anything like that and neither had most of the people in the audience judging from the reactions everyone had.  But other than that it was a fun evening watching the cowboys and cowgirls in the cool pines. 


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