Tuesday, February 14, 2017

2017 Cripple Creek Ice Sculptures

Okay for those of you following this blog you will recall that the last time Mark and I went to Cripple Creek we had a *small issue* with anybody knowing what in the heck they had going on in their fair little town. And as you recall- it wasn't entirely my fault that I had really crappy communication with their citizens knowing what was going on in their little town and our trip there was a complete bust.  

So when I saw that Cripple Creek was holding their Ice Festival I knew better than to just believe that the information found on their web site was accurate.  I decided that I needed to call the Visitor's Bureau and Information Center to get more information about this Ice Festival and guess what?  The first person that I talked to actually knew exactly what I was talking about !!!  Good sign so far.  But wait for it.  I swear I'm not making up any of this conversation. Mark was listening to the call and can verify that this is the conversation that I had with this lady...word for word:

Her: Yes, the Ice Festival is February 11th to the 19th.

Me: What day are the sculptures going to be finished for viewing.

Her: Everyday.

Me: Okay so what day would be best to see the completed sculptures?

Her: Everyday.

Me:  Would it be best to wait until the 19th?

Her: NO! They will be gone by then.

Me: Wait.  What?  You mean they won't be there on the 19th?

Her: Yes but you want to come before then.

Me: Oooookkkkaaaaayyy.  So can you tell me what would be the best day to see the sculptures? I mean what is the exact day that YOU would want to see them.

Her: Everyday. They are nice everyday.

Me: How about the 12th? Would we be able to see the sculptures then? Will the artists be finished carving on the 12th and we can see them?

Her: Well they carve everyday so you can see them on the 11th through the 19th. 

Me: Thank you.

Her: <click>

Wow..I know that my English isn't very good and that I have trouble communicating and all but really?

Fortunately, when we arrived on the 12th the sculptures were mostly done.  There were only a few artists that were still working on their projects when we got there so I'm going to say that this trip to Cripple Creek was a complete success compared to our last visit!

Tree of Life

Tribal mask- look in the eye sockets :)

A lion

A Jeep

An Ice Slide

A Safari Tent

A Rhinoceros

This was one of the sculptures they were still working on.  It had elephants and giraffes so far

A nod to the local miners and their "mules" (Zebra)

"Waiting on a Woman"

Not our truck but one that was in the parking lot.  Someone had a sense of humor about the wreck!

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