Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Delaney's Bridal Shower

Polly McGuire, Kristi Porter, Mindy Weeden, Joyce Pieper, Delaney, Deby Hurt, Wende Ramos, Debbie Coombes, Kayla Zeigenbein, Sharman Adkins

Just look at these ladies. 

This wonderful group of women represent over 130 years of friendship and support for our family.  Through the years they have watched Delaney and Zack grow up, date, fall in love and get engaged.  They have been around to help celebrated so many of their individual and "couple" milestones and have kept them in in their prayers more times then they will ever realize. And this same group of women threw Delaney and Zack the most amazing bridal shower this past weekend.  Thank you Joyce, Polly, Debbie, Deby, Nancy, Sharman, Kayla, Wende, Kristi, and Mindy for a wonderful day.  We love y'all so much.

                              The decorations were beautiful

The food...it speaks for itself

Mimosa Bar

 They were showered with lots of wonderful gifts

 Lots of family and friends were there to share this special day

Mom, Delaney and Kelly Phillips

Nina and Karen

High school friends
Juanita, Karen, Nina and Tammy

Me, Deby Hurt, Debbie Coombes and Mom

Nina Delaney and Pat

Tammy and Kristi Porter

Ashley Delaney and Allison

Me, Delaney and Katherine Day

Me and Delaney

Joyce Pieper, Me, Debbie Coombes, Deby Hurt and Polly McGuire

Delaney and Mindy

Mimi, Delaney and Me

Zack, Delaney, Katherine and Everett Day

Tammy Delaney Ashley and Allison

Mike, Tammy, Zack, Delaney, Ashley and Allison Roberts