Friday, May 30, 2014

This Week

It's been three weeks since Mark was in Denver.  After Delaney's graduation, he flew back up to North Dakota for the week and then flew back to Odessa for the Memorial Day weekend.  On Monday he drove back to Denver and stopped by the building site on his way back in.  Boy was he surprised at how much they had completed while he was gone!

The house has been framed, wrapped, decked and they have the driveway and front steps finished.  However, the basement has about 6 inches of water in it because of all of the storms they have been having.  We will have a sump pump in the basement but it obviously hasn't been installed just yet. It looks like they will put the cleats on the roof and will be putting the tiles on the roof soon.  Mark plans on going out there again on Sunday so I'll be posting some more pictures soon.

Speaking of storms, we had some really nice rain last week.  Of course anytime that there is rain in the desert the plants respond gloriously.  Here's a picture I took of some of the wildflowers when I was out walking this week.

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