Monday, September 11, 2017

Labor Day Mystery Trip 2017

Me: So whaddaya think about getting all of the the kids up here over Labor Day weekend?
Mark: Sounds good!
Me:  Whaddaya think about making it a Mystery Trip weekend?
Mark:  You mean a Mystery for me or the kids?
Me: I was thinking about just the kids but now you've given me a brilliant idea...
       (evil laugh and wringing of the hands)
Mark: *the look*

And so all of the stars aligned just right and presto! The kids were all able to be here for the Labor Day Weekend.  I told the girls that I wanted to do a Mystery Trip weekend and they were ALL IN.  In fact they thought it was a great idea.  However, my two guys weren't too sure about all of it but in their defense they had never experienced a Mystery Trip the way the way the three of us girls have with their Youth Group at church.

Here's the rundown on our weekend:
1st Stop- Idaho Springs Zip Line
Blaine, Henley and I had been here before but Mark, Delaney and Zack had not.  It didn't take any of us any time at all to get the swing of it and before long we were all zipping down the course like old pros!

2nd Stop- FOOD
Yup we were all pretty hungry after our morning of zip-lining so we headed to Frisco, CO where I had scoped out a sports bar that we could get some grub and watch the Longhorns play.  When I originally made the reservations for the zip-lining I thought by going early in the morning (9 am) we would be finished zipping and would easily be able to catch a 1:00-ish game but for some reason the Horns started playing at 11:00 am and we ended up missing the first half of the game. Let's not talk about the game...But Mark and Zack were able to watch a good portion of the game and not miss out on seeing the Horn's opening game of the season.

3rd Stop- Glenwood Springs, CO
After we ate we headed to Iron Mountain Hot Springs to soak our bodies in the natural hot springs.  The kids had never done this before and by the end of the evening they were all confirmed hot springs soakers for life!  We spent the afternoon enjoying the views, adult beverages and time with one another.

That evening we drove back to Dillon, CO and spent the night in a cabin where everyone crashed for the night.  The next morning we woke up "late", ate breakfast and then headed down the mountain to...

4th Stop: Rockies Baseball game
We all love baseball so this was a no-brainer.  In fact, sneaky Zack had this one figured out way before we started on the trip.  He had looked at the schedule and saw that the Rockies were at home and pretty much knew that a baseball game would be on the agenda.  It was blistering hot but fortunately I had picked seats that were in the sun all afternoon so we lucked out and were able to enjoy the afternoon without roasting.

Later that evening we headed out to our annual Labor Day Block Party and we finally were able to introduce our kids to all of our neighbors that hadn't already met them.  We stayed out late and enjoyed a cool evening sitting out by the fire pit, talking, telling stories on one another and soaking.

Unfortunately the next day everyone had to head back to Texas. I know that getting everyone together at the same time will prove to be more and more difficult as the years go by and they all get further into their careers and lives and such but for the time being I'll cherish every moment we get to spend together!