Sunday, March 19, 2017

FDGD 2017

Me: Oooh goodie!  FDGD is coming up. Want to go?
Mark: Sure.  I mean what is FDGD?
ME: Ummmm...remember we went last year?
Mark: We did a lot last year, remember?
Me:  Ya, well its *mumble mumble mumble mumble*
Mark: What in tarnation did you say? (Ok so he actually never said in tarnation)
Me: Frozen Dead Guy Days
Mark: Um isn't that the weirdo thing you dragged me to last year?  The one that I said, "Don't ask me to do that again next year"?
Me: Uh kinda... but you already said sure so I guess we are going!

And that folks, is how we ended up at FDGD again this year!  I know it was a little sneaky but that's how I roll sometimes!  This year we asked our friends Linda and Rich to join us. This was their first time seeing this crazy festival and if Rich has anything to say about it, it will be their last.  Linda said she's up to going again next year.  Sound familiar?

      Here's a great video for those of you that want to learn more about FDGD. (Click on the arrow in the middle of this picture)

This year they had their usual events:
                                     The Hearse Parade

                                     The Polar Plunge

                                     The Coffin Races

                                 The Frozen TShirt Contest

And this year they added two new events:

The Newly Dead Game (like the Newlywed Game)


The Brain Freeze contest....
Which we didn't go to.  There was a band playing in the event tent that the Brain Freeze contest was being held in and they were charging everyone a $20 per person cover to listen to the band prior to the *free* event.  Um no thank you.  So the premise of this contest is that people voluntarily chug a 32 oz. Slurpee and the person who can drink it all first was declared the winner. And for once, I had no desire to participate in this contest because:

1) I HATE brain freeezes.
2) They make you SIGN A MEDICAL RELEASE FORM prior to participating in this contest.  If that doesn't make you think twice about doing this, then you need to come to Colorado next year and be a participant.
3)  I HATE brain freezes. No seriously, I HATE them!

This is how about 1/2 of the attendees of FDGD dress:

Oh and we had bratwursts served out of a paper cup for lunch.

No I don't know why they serve them like that. 

No it doesn't make any sense as to why they serve them like that.

No it didn't make them taste any better served out of a cup.

Just don't ask...after all it's FDGD !!!