Friday, January 20, 2017

Oh my gosh this is really happening!

                                              IT'S ALMOST WEDDING TIME!

But first things first.  Delaney and Zack had to get their marriage license.  A quick trip to the Douglas County Courthouse solved that. 

The next "hurdle" was the rehearsal.  This was the first time that Zack actually got to see the church that they were going to married in.  When I found the church I FaceTimed both he Delaney to see if they liked it and they both really loved it from what they could see.  Delaney had seen it on one of her trips here but Zack had not.  

 The run through on the rehearsal didn't take very long.


Zack's grandfather Papaw (officiant)

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And soon we were on our way to the rehearsal dinner.  Tammy and Mike had asked us for suggestions on places to host the evening and one of the places we had suggested was the Breckenridge Brewery Tap House. After scoping things out on the internet, the Roberts booked the place for the rehearsal dinner  It was the PERFECT place to gather before the big day! Tammy and Mike did a wonderful job decorating the place and making selections for dinner. The food was yummy, the ambiance was so festive and Delaney and Zack (and the rest of us) had a great time!

Breckenridge Brewery
Interior of Breckenridge Brewery Tap House
Zack and his Dad

Henley, Delaney and Blaine

Dad and Mom

Tammy and Mike

Zack and his Grandpa Papaw

Christmas 2016

We were fortunate that this year we had both girls home for Christmas!  Henley arrived on the 17th after her classes at Tarleton were over. Delaney and my parents arrived on the 23rd and Blaine arrived on the 24th. So we went from having a pretty empty house to a full house very quickly!  

Henley had asked that we do family photos this year so we made that happen.  We went to 20 Mile House and took our photos there.   

Christmas day arrived and we all basically had a chill day.  We got up at a decent time, ate a large breakfast, and then opened our gifts.  

Later that evening we had a delicious meal that Mom and I put together.  None of the kids wants turkey so we went with ham and all the fixings.  Of course there were tons of left overs that we had to finish up over the next few days!

Hope you had a Merry Christmas with those that you love and that love you!