Sunday, August 24, 2014

House Issues...

Oh the sad tale of our attempt to sell this house.....where to begin.

The people that have the contract on our home have a VA loan.  We knew that accepting a VA loan was going to be a little more complicated than a regular contract but we were willing to help a vet out.  Everything went along well until we had the bank appraisal.  There are only 2 VA appraisers in this area so we were put in line to get the appraisal...and as it turned out it took almost 3 1/2 weeks to get the appraisal done.  The appraiser came and did his job on a Wednesday and told our realtor that he would have it back to the bank by the following Monday.  Well Monday came and went, as did the next Monday, and the next Monday.  So our realtor called his office and was unable to contact him for the next two weeks.  Seems he went on vacation and won't return until tomorrow.

In the meantime, the closing date had been changed from August 29th to September 3 to September 5th.  But since the appraiser didn't get the appraisal turned in within the mandated 10 days, the mortgage company for the buyer has said that it will be a minimum of 21-28 days to get it thru underwriting once the appraiser gets the appraisal to them. Who knows when he plans on getting the appraisal to them...

To make matters worse, we were supposed to close on our home in Denver on September 11th.  When we realized that it was going to be iffy as far as making the timeline work for the two closings, Mark called the builder in Denver and asked if we could push the closing date back a few weeks.  He was met with a very decided- "No".  Well now that it is a definite that we can't close on the Odessa home by (at least) the 16th and possibly the 23rd Mark went to the builder again and explained our predicament. Fortunately the lady he spoke to the second time has agreed to push the closing to the first week in October.   

In the meantime Mark is in Denver and I remain in Odessa.  We really don't feel that we should leave the Odessa house unoccupied- we've already had issues with other realtors leaving the house unlocked and the burglar alarm off, people walking around the property looking into windows, neighborhood kids turning on the water in the backyard and leaving it running, etc.  It's been a very discouraging 5 months.  

On a good note, Delaney is in her new apartment in Austin and Henley is in her apartment in Stephenville.  Both places are very nice and they both are very happy with where they are living.  

Here are some pictures of Delaney's apartment:

And here are a few of Henley's.  She is supposed to send me pictures of her kitchen and living room. 

I'll keep you posted on any new developments. Keep your fingers crossed and your prayers said that things start working out in our favor.