Friday, April 18, 2014

We Have Walls

Mark went out to the house today and was surprised to see how much has been done this week.  

So they have the basement walls up and sealed.

But they haven't poured the basement floor...

The big snowfall that they predicted for this past week only produced about one and a half inches in the Denver area.  One of Mark's co-workers told him that April is usually the snowiest month of the year!  I hope he was pulling Mark's leg because as far as I'm concerned April days should be warm and sunny- not below freezing and snowy!  I guess that's another thing we will be learning about living in Colorado these next few years!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Progress…until tomorrow

Well it looks like there has been some progress since last week.  The walls of the basement are formed up and it looks like they are ready to pour the concrete for the walls and the floor.  I say we have progress "until tomorrow" because the site is ready to go but Denver is expecting 8-12 inches of snow tomorrow!  Somehow I don't think that Mother Nature has been informed that it is the middle of April right now

On another note- we have officially put our house on the market. Keep your fingers crossed that our home sells quickly!  

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Indulge Me

Henley went for her transfer orientation last weekend at Tarletan and was able to meet some of the Purple Poo!  For those of you who don't know what that is- it's Tarletan's Spirit Organization.  Henley was delighted to watch one of the Purple Poo tackle a mother of an incoming freshman who stepped on the grass (apparently that's a big No-No there)!  

And finally- Delaney took Sir out for a walk last week and took his picture in the bluebonnets.  Simply adorable!

April Showers Bring Forth...

Seems like the days are moving by quickly.  We are about to put the house on the market but Mark didn't want to do anything until we had removed all of his firearms from the house.  He thought it might be a good idea to get them out before the Lookie-Loo's came into the house.  The moving company that we are using won't store or transport any weapons or ammo so that meant that we needed to find a way to get them to Denver.  I hope you realize that"we" means "me" because Mark simply doesn't have the time to come to Odessa right now. 

So I left out of Odessa on Thursday morning- bright and early since I was facing a 10 hour drive (transporting a veritable arsenal).  The weatherman had predicted high winds all day and sure enough- it was already blowing about 30 mph when I was headed out of the driveway.  By the time I got to Levelland, the dirt was blowing to the point of near brown-out conditions.  The winds picked up to about 40 mph by the time I got to Clayton, NM and soon after- the snow started.  The snow continued from Clayton to Raton.  Once I was over Raton Pass, the rain started and continued until I got to Colorado Springs.  From then on, the weather cleared, the wind died down and the rest of the trip was quite uneventful.

Mark worked on Friday so I spent the morning getting his pantry stocked and got some organization to our kitchen and apartment.  We live less than an mile from the train station so I walked there and caught a ride downtown so that I could eat lunch with my hubby.  Funny story…when I was leaving the apartment I walked by a lady who was walking her dog.  She looked at me and said "get some sensible shoes on" and then kept right on walking.  I had on flat loafers!  The sidewalks and streets were clear, there was very little snow on the ground and it was a bright and sunny day.  I just smiled and said, "uh..okay" and walked off.  I can't imagine what prompted her remark or why she was so concerned about my footwear!

Riding the train is simply the best way to travel around Denver.  You don't have to worry about traffic or parking (the worst!) and it's really easy to navigate.  You do get to see some *ahem* interesting things on it- like this lady who applied FULL makeup (including mascara) whilst the train was moving.  She is quite talented if you ask me!

BTW- The new Union Station is just about completed- they say it should be finished around the middle of next month.  

I spent a little bit of the afternoon walking around downtown Denver and was happy to see that Spring was trying its hardest to make its arrival.  

On Saturday, we got up early, and ventured to the mall to get Mark a few new pair of pants and a summer sports coat.  Anyone who knows him, knows that this was a small feat in of itself  in that I got him to:
1) agree to go clothes shopping and
2) actually try on said clothes and buy them.  

We spent the rest of the day driving around Parker and getting to know the area a little bit better.  Downtown Parker is really quaint and charming and is only about 17 miles south of Denver but it feels like it is a million miles away.  There are coffee shops, wine shops, a few boutiques and various other businesses that are on Main Street.  Of course there are the regular stores like Target, Walmart, Costco, etc. nearby too.  And the area that we are building in is very close to Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, Sprouts, and other amenities so I should be all set once we get into our new home.

Of course we had to stop by the house to see if any progress had been made and we were pleased to find that they had poured the footers and were told that the basement floor and walls would be completed this week. 

The weekend was over way too soon and I had to return home on Sunday.  Basically the weather on the return trip was a repeat of the trip there only in reverse: rain, snow, a little blowing dust and a little more rain (fortunately there was very little wind that day).  All in all it was a great weekend and I can't wait to be in Denver full-time with my hubby!